Lawyer: Man admits involvement in murders of 4 missing men

New Hope, Pennsylvania (CNN)A Pennsylvania man confessed involvement Thursday in the deaths of four missing men in eastern Pennsylvania, his lawyer told reporters Thursday.
Cosmo Dinardo, 20, admitted "his participation or commission in the murders of the four young men," attorney Paul Lang said.
    The lawyer declined to say whether Dinardo killed the four men who went missing last week, kicking off a multi-agency search that rattled this community.
    In exchange for Dinardo's confession, Bucks County prosecutors promised not to seek the death penalty, Lang said. The Bucks County District Attorney's Office did not respond Thursday to defense counsel statements; a briefing is scheduled for 2 p.m. ET, Friday.

    Dinardo is cooperating with the investigation, co-counsel Michael Parlow said. "The family feels horrible. They are very upset for the families of these boys," he told CNN.


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