Trump's race meltdown as he says 'both sides' of the 'Unite the Right' clash had 'fine people' and violence also came from the 'alt-left' - then attacks removing Gen Lee statues, asking: 'Is George Washington next?'

Donald Trump launched an extraordinary and angry defense of his performance in the wake of the Charlottesville riots Tuesday in a free-wheeling, finger-pointing confrontation with the press at Trump Tower.
He lashed out at his critics following a botched response to the weekend's Charlottesville murder, insisting that a violent 'alt-left' mob came to protests ready for war but a dishonest news media is shielding them from blame.
The president even defended elements of the far-right protest, claiming some were 'fine people' protesting against the removal of Confederate symbols. 
'You had some fine people. But you also had trouble makers,' he said during a Q&A session in the lobby of Trump Tower – an event that was supposed to be a press event about infrastructure projects.
'You see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and the baseball bats,' he said, describing what he said had happened in the Virginia college town


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